5 Tips to Make your Life Easier When Choosing a Cleanroom Filter

Your cleanroom is nothing without your air filtration system, and your filtration system is nothing without the right filter. The right filter, however, is not simply the one that fits and cleans the air to compliance. The right filter will spare you energy and headaches down the road. Here are a few things you should know before buying a filter that will help you later:

  1. Know how it’s been tested. Your filter should be tested according to application, and you want to make sure that each filter is tested individually. If the filter was only batch tested, you cannot be sure of its quality.
  2. Some filters save energy. The less resistance to airflow your filter has, the less energy is required to move the air. Deep-pleated filters offer a number of benefits in energy consumption. They increase the filter media size and reduce pressure, resulting in a significant decrease in energy required to run it. These filters do cost more initially, but they make up for it in electricity savings, and they last years.
  3. Roomside replaceable systems are easier. The process of changing a filter can halt operations for a substantial amount of time. This can be very costly. A roomside replaceable system, like a ceiling filter system, latches filters and lights and suspends them in a gridless double channel system. You can change a filter 5-10 times faster with this system, and they often improve the laminar airflow as well.
  4. Research distributors for custom or odd sizes. It happens: some cleanrooms and mini clean environments require custom-sized HEPA filters. The biggest problem here is replacing them. Some manufacturers won’t make odd sizes until enough orders accumulate. Find a distributor who can fill your request when you need it.
  5. Consider high temp specs. High-temperature environments require high-temp ASHRAE, HEPA, or ULPA filters. Additionally, you have to specify according to filter, media, frame, and sealant capabilities. Acrylic binders will also burn off and emit smoke when above 500 degrees F. Make sure the smoke is cleared before introducing products to the environment. Always ask the manufacturer if you are unsure about specifications and applications.

Knowing this information ahead of time will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and costs associated with your filter. If you have questions about cleanroom construction, contact Gerbig Engineering Company. We are cleanroom experts: 888-628-0056 or info@gerbig.com.