Basic Cleanroom Gowning Procedures

We love taking advice from Jan Eudy, who is a Cleanroom/Contamination Control Consultant, ISO 9000/cGMP auditor, and HACCP/Food Safety Auditor. She offers a step-by-step protocol for cleanroom gowning in Controlled Environments.

We used her model to create basic gowning procedures. We also found some great images on Wikipedia, which credits them to Dorothyboyd.

Putting them together, we created a short video to help you understand these steps for class 100 (ISO 5) cleanroom or better.


Basic Cleanroom Gowning Removal

Above, we showed you a video tutorial on basic gowning procedures for a class 100 (ISO 5) cleanroom or better. We got our information from expert Jan Eudy. She writes that to remove the gown, simply reverse the order of the donning steps. However, we think there is a little more to it, so we’ve created another video to show you how to remove your gown.

View procedure and images


Gerbig Cleanrooms is a proud manufacturer of AireCell cleanrooms. For questions regarding your cleanroom, contact us at 888-628-0056 or