Why Small Particles Stick – Clean the Cleanroom

We all know that the smaller the particle, the harder it is to clean. They always get stuck in those tiny, hard-to-reach spaces. Here’s why.

Dispersion forces. They make a gecko’s feet stick to walls. They also make small particles get stuck in really tiny places and cause them to be so hard to clean. Let’s see why this kind of force is making your life cleaning the cleanroom so difficult.

Molecules that have dipoles, or permanently positively and negatively charged sides are associated with polar and hydrogen bonding forces. However, dispersion forces are a property of all molecules regardless of an inherent dipole. Since electrons are always in motion, momentary fluctuations can occur when more electrons are on one side of a molecule than the other. This causes a momentary negative charge on the side with more electrons and a positive charge on the opposite side, creating a momentary dipole.

When a molecule comes close to a molecule with a momentary dipole, its electrons are compelled to move. This creates an attractive force between the molecules. If the colliding molecules don’t have enough energy to bounce back, they stick together. The dipole then lasts as long as the molecules are bound together. The pair becomes a dipole in itself, creating a chain reaction.

Since the molecules have to be very close together in order to adhere, crevices become fertile grounds for dispersion forces. This is also true when soil dries. Soil molecules that are in liquid become close enough together during evaporation to attract the dispersion force. Thus, dried soil is tougher to clean than wet.

You see why it is so important to perform critical cleaning as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder the job will be. You can’t beat science!

For cleanroom help, contact Gergig Engineering Company. Check out the services on our website for more information or contact us at: 888-628-0056; info@gerbig.com.